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Holocrine — is a classification of exocrine glands in the study of Histology. Holocrine secretions are produced within the cell followed by the rupture of the plasma membrane, thus releasing the cellular contents into the lumen. Examples of holocrine glands… … Wikipedia
holocrine — ● holocrine adjectif Se dit d une glande, telle que les glandes sébacées, dont la sécrétion est le résultat de la séparation et de l expulsion complète des cellules sécrétantes qui la constituent. ● holocrine (synonymes) adjectif Se dit d une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
holocrine — [häl′ō krin΄, häl′ōkrīn΄, häl′ōkrēn΄; hō′ləkrin΄, hō′ləkrīn΄, hō′ləkrēn΄] adj. [ HOLO + Gr krinein, to separate: see HARVEST] designating or of a gland whose secretion results from the disintegration of the gland s cells … English World dictionary
holocrine — See h. gland. [holo + G. krino, to separate] * * * ho·lo·crine hō lə krən, .krīn, .krēn, häl ə adj producing or being a secretion resulting from lysis of secretory cells <holocrine glands> <holocrine secretions> <holocrine… … Medical dictionary
holocrine — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary hol + Greek krinein to separate more at certain Date: circa 1905 producing or being a secretion resulting from lysis of secretory cells < holocrine sebaceous glands > … New Collegiate Dictionary
holocrine — ˈhälə̇krə̇n, ˈhōl , ə̇ˌkrīn adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary hol + crine (from Greek krinein to separate, decide) more at certain : producing a secretion consisting of altered secretory cells; also : produced by a… … Useful english dictionary
Holocrine glands — are a type of secretory gland where the secretory product is formed inside the cytoplasm and the secretion is released by the disruption of the plasma membrane and destruction of the cell. Example: the sebaceous glands of the skin.Reference:… … Wikipedia
holocrine — adj. [Gr. holos, whole; krinein, to separate] The disintegration of a gland in order to release secretions; see merocrine … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
holocrine — /hol euh krin, kruyn , hoh leuh /, adj. 1. (of a gland) releasing a secretion that is a product of disintegrating cells. 2. (of a secretion) released by such a gland. [1900 05; HOLO + crine < Gk krínein to separate] * * * … Universalium
holocrine — adj. (about a gland) secreting products formed by the breakdown of glandular cells … English contemporary dictionary